CBD oil is not CBT

Recently, we have been getting quite a bit of confusion around CBD and CBT. CBT or Change block tracking, is a technology used in backup solutions, whereas CBD (oil) or Cannabidiol is a natural medicinal remedy. They’re really completely unrelated. But, just to further clarify, we’ll elaborate a bit…

What is CBD oil?

CBD, which usually comes in the form of CBD oil, a compound naturally found in the plant “cannabis sativa”. Cannabis Sativa generally describes 2 species of plant– the completely legal industrial hemp, and the infamous marijuana. The CBD compound can be found in either plant, however the intoxicant THC is only found in marijuana– Hemp is completely safe an cannot provide a ‘high’ when ingested, smoked, etc. Because hemp has no THC, hemp is now fully legal in the United States (as of 2018), as are all products derived from hemp such as CBD oil.

So, as a Vermont based company, if you’re here looking for CBD oil, we recommend our friends and neighbors at Vesper Farms, who make a delicious, effective, and lab-certified Vermont Maple CBD oil from 100% local Vermont hemp.

What is CBT?

Change Block Tracking (CBT) is a technology that can greatly reduce the time it takes to perform a backup, or replication job. By keeping track of the data that has actually changed between backups, CBT allows an extremely efficient means to quickly identify and protect only the new backup data. This can save significant amounts of I/Os on a linear read of the disks being protected, and minutes or hours from your backups.

Because CBD has nothing whatsoever to do with a backup solution, we cannot say if it will help in any way beyond manage the stress of your job.

However, if you are looking for CBT based backups, we wholehearted recommend the best XenServer backup solution available on the market today- Quadric Software’s Alike (A2)!